
Hi, hopefully you know me if you are reading this…if not, here’s somewhat of a description.  I am Joel Stapleton and this blog has become a favorite of mine.  It is a way for me to keep friends and family up to date with what is going on with me and my wife, Ashley.  We live in Gadsden, AL and are a part of a ministry called Four Days Late.  Four Days Late is a worship band that travels quiet a bit playing christian music.  Ashley is a great high school teacher and we have been happily married for a little over 4 years.  My family is in Fitzgerald, Georgia which is where I grew up.  If you are an old friend, please email me and say hello…or you could just comment.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

One Response to “About”

  1. Mommie and Bah Says:

    Joel and Ashley, we are so proud you are part of our family. The pictures of “WILL” are just great. We can hardly wait!!!. He will be a special baby, that is for sure. Also FOUR DAYS LATE is a great worship band. We loved your concert.
    Mommie and Bah

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